
Primary School



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Maths Homework

It is really important for children to retain and recall key facts. For homework the children can practise these by using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS). If they play games on garage it automatically identifies the tables facts that they need to work on. They can also go onto Jamming where they can select the tables that they need to work on. A Gig game asks 100 questions over 5 minutes to see how children are progressing. This is something they need to do no more than once a month. As well as practising their tables using TTRS you can use the sheets attached below. With TTRS it is really important to do this regularly- little and often is key.

Along side tables we would like your child to practise their arithmetic skills. I have attached arithmetic tests for each year groups. If they have a go at these no more than once a week to see how they are progressing- the answers are also attached. There is one test for each week of a term. Some areas on the tests they won't have covered yet so they wouldn't be expected to get these right. You can also practise arithmetic tests using a computer using the following link- 

If your child gets stuck on an area of the arithmetic paper and you aren't sure how to help them please come and speak to me about it so I can support them going forward.




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