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Southampton Civic Award

Civic Award Certificate

Southampton Civic Award - what is it? 


The Award is part of a “Citizenship” programme and is a preliminary to the Duke of Edinburgh Award. It is designed to encourage Y6 children to be both responsible and active over a period of at least 6 months.  During this time children will be expected to participate in the following areas:

1.   Follow a physical hobby         

2.   Follow a non-physical hobby 

(At least one of these hobbies should be new the children)

  1.   Public Service to the School
  2.   Public Service to the Community


Should children successfully complete work in the above areas, then they will attend an adventure morning or camp at Fairthorne Manor, and then be invited to a special presentation ceremony in the autumn.


Some ideas to get children started: 


Physical hobby – choose one physical hobby to follow.

It could be one of the following:

Football, rugby, tennis, dancing, running, horse riding, sailing, cycling, judo etc.

Or it could be one of your own choice.


Non-physical hobby – choose one non-physical hobby to follow.

It could be one of the following:

Reading, sketching, painting, learning to play a musical instrument, learning a new language, collecting, model-making, sewing etc.

Or it could be one of your own choice.


Remember that one of the 2 hobbies must be new to you


Public service to the school – this can be a combination of jobs which could include:

Librarian, early morning duties in classes, assembly monitor, jobs for your teacher/office staff, sports matches representing the school, singing at the Luncheon Club, playground champion, sports ambassador etc.


Public service to the community – this is one that your parents will need to help you organise and support but can be a combination of tasks which could include:

Helping out at a local club/group, helping someone in the local community, sponsored events etc. (By joining a group such as Scouts/Guides etc this will count as Community Public Service.)

There will be occasions when we will be organising events in school which will support this award e.g. Children In Need, Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.


Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards

Ofsted. Good provider