
Primary School



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About the CSA!


Welcome to the Curdridge School Association (CSA), a registered charity run by parents and Guardians of the children at Curdridge Primary School and supported by Mrs Wood and her team. 


The purpose of the CSA is to raise extra funds for the benefit of the children and run events that pupils and parents alike can enjoy.


We have a huge number of events planned for the school year and we hope that you will support us either by attending, volunteering, or both!  For further details of our events please click on the event time-table link towards the bottom of this page.


For more information about how you can get involved, please click on this link: How to be a volunteer @ Curdridge Primary School


Message from the CSA Chair


As we begin a new academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all in advance for your continuous support towards our fund-raising events which ultimately enables us to enhance our children’s educational experience in addition to improving the schools’ facilities.


When we met back in October 2022 as a newly formed committee our numbers were very strong and this has proven absolutely invaluable throughout the execution of each of our events with our most recent being the Summer Fete and Colour Run which I am sure you will agree was fabulous!


Our overall objective is to raise money in a fun and sociable way and we hope that your children have enjoyed taking part in our events.


The last year was my first standing as Chair for the CSA and it honestly would not have been made possible without the rest of the team. Their support, commitment and enthusiasm has been incredible.


When I pieced together the overview of the fundraising efforts throughout the year (which can be seen on our Facebook page) it just shows what can be achieved when the school community comes together.


With this in mind however, we are aware that at times it can feel as though we are continuously bombarding you with various requests and please be assured that we are and will continue to work on ways in which we can improve how we promote, execute and deliver each event throughout the school year, especially with the larger events like our Christmas and Summer Fayre's.


Our Summer Fete and Colour Run proved very popular and it was really lovely to be able to support children via our Pay It Forward Scheme to ensure all children had the opportunity to take part.


Naturally and actually quite sadly - we will be losing quite a few valuable members of the committee for various reasons and I would like to thank the following on behalf of the CSA:


  • Vanessa Hancock
  • Kimberley Nicolle
  • Lindsay Rossilli
  • Hannah Picton-Jones
  • Rachel Bastin-Mitchell


It's been an absolute privilege working with you all and we are sorry to see you go. We wish you and your families all the very best.


We are always looking for new recruits to join the CSA either as a full Committee Member or a Friend of the CSA - simply to either give as little or as much as you possibly can! We are a friendly bunch of parents who regularly meet at the pub to bash out our ideas and make these events happen.


I've also become quite partial to Whatsapp Polls which has been a great way to vote on ideas and opportunities without having to physically be present at meetings.


If you are interested or would like to know more information - we would love to speak to you. We will be at the Welcome Back Event and will be available either on email - or please feel free to contact me on my mobile.


Finally, although our accounts are still work in progress, the success of our fundraising efforts have helped to raise approximately £5,900 which is a significant amount of money and in turn has enabled the CSA to donate an outstanding £6,665 to the school this year.


This donation has contributed towards or has covered the cost of the following items:


Donation Title


Class 2 School Trip to Portchester Castle & Circus Visit

3 x PLT Monitors & Accessories

Library Furniture

Geography Board

Class 3 Dance Visit: Bollywood Vibes

Tuff Trays for Lower School Playground

Easter Competition Prizes

Kings Coronation - Plantable Postcards

Class 4 School Trip - Donation towards Coach Hire

Year 6 Leavers Party


This is a fantastic achievement!




  • Friday 15th September - our Welcome Back Event. Tickets now available!
  • Tuesday 3rd October - Annual General Meeting. Held at school.


Take Care and Best Wishes

Chloe Doyle

Chair of the CSA




Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards

Ofsted. Good provider