Attendance @ CPS
Attendance Ladder
Attendance matters - every day counts
Every day is a learning adventure and we do all we can to support families and carers in ensuring that each each child’s attendance is as good as it can be.
Schools are required to keep detailed records of children’s attendance, including any absence from school. We know that those children who establish good patterns of attendance in the earliest years of schooling, are more likely to continue this pattern as they get older. We also know there is a clear link between good attendance and the outcomes children achieve at the end of their time in school i.e. children whose attendance is higher are more likely to achieve 5 good GCSE results.
Types of absence
Every half-day absence from school has to be classified by the school as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information about the cause of any absence is always required.
Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason like illness, medical/dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable cause.
Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no leave has been given. This includes:
- Parents/carers keeping children off school unnecessarily
- Absences which have not been properly explained
- Children who arrive at school too late to get a mark
- Shopping, looking after other children or birthdays
- Day trips and holidays in term time which have not been agreed
Head teachers are unable to authorise leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. This includes all holidays in term time. Any period of leave taken without the approval of the school will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If a child has more than 10 unauthorised sessions i.e. 5 days (as there are two sessions to every day) the school is obliged to follow Hampshire County Council and legal guidelines. This is likely to include the issuing of a fixed penalty notice.
If you require a period of leave for your child, you will need to request this in writing using our ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’. There is a link below or paper copies are available from the school office.
- Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school will be classed as unauthorised and may attract sanctions such as a Fixed Penalty Notice
- If you require a period of leave for your child, please submit this request in writing to the head teacher as soon as possible prior to the leave
Why punctuality is important
- Children that arrive late are likely to have missed the start of the lesson which makes it more difficult for them to learn as the lesson progresses
- Late arrivals distract classmates and interrupt the teacher’s lesson
- Children that arrive late are likely to feel unsettled and are embarrassed to walk into class once it has started
- Children that arrive late are developing bad habits. It sets up your child for the future; whether at primary school, secondary school, college or work
If absences become a concern
- Initial issues are raised by letters to parents/carer
- If absences persist, parent/carer is invited in to discuss support with the Headteacher
- If this fails to achieve required improvement, then the matter may be referred to the Attendance Legal Panel
Useful documents
Day Closures for 2024-2025
- Monday 2nd September 2024
- Monday 24th February 2025
- Friday 23rd May 2025
- Monday 21st July 2025
- Tuesday 22nd July 2025