
Primary School



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Intent, Implementation and Impact

Love to read - learn to read 

Intent (Reading)

  • For children to develop a love of reading as a hobby for pleasure and as a means of learning about the world.
  • For children to be able to make choices about books to read, able to navigate a library and select books that are appropriate and engaging.
  • For children to be exposed to a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts through an organised system of class readers, individual reading books and curriculum text drivers during their time at school.
  • For children to be able to read to an audience and internally with fluency, accuracy and expression.
  • For children to be able to decode unfamiliar words using phonics skills, phonetic awareness and contextual clues where appropriate.
  • For children to be able to retrieve information, summarise findings and use inference skills to deduce meaning from what they have read.
  • For children to be able to offer ideas and justify opinions about their reading.
  • For children to use books and other resources (including online) to find information about a range of different topics and themes.

Implementation (Reading) 

  • There is an emphasis on reading for pleasure as well as learning the mechanics of reading
  • Children are encouraged to talk about and share their reading with others 
  • Guided reading is taught across the school and children are encouraged to express opinions and thoughts about the authors' intentions. 
  • In EYFS and KS1, phonics is taught through daily phonics sessions. Discussion of high quality texts are embedded within writing journeys.  Children read individually or within a small group to an adult at least once a week to develop fluency.
  • In KS2 guided reading is taught through a whole-class reading approach.  Links are made across the curriculum with regards to texts being used to support and enhance the learning in foundation subjects.

Impact (Reading)

  • Through regular pupil conferencing, children’s enjoyment of English is evident.
  • During guided reading book looks, there is a clear progression in reading skills, with children exposed to more complex texts and more challenging questions and tasks.
  • Children’s love of high quality texts increases, with children more likely to seek out the focus author/type of text during weekly library sessions
  • Children are increasingly able to find and select information they need across the curriculum to aid them in their learning as a result of the skills they have learned in reading sessions.

Love to write - learn to write

Intent (Writing) 

  • For all pupils to be able to speak and write fluently so they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others
  • To be able to use spoken language competently in order to develop a capacity to explain and prepare their ideas before they write
  • To be able to organise their ideas for writing in a coherent way, drawing on the skills taught to compose a variety of forms of writing
  • To be able to spell confidently through the use of phonics, morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure) enabling children to become fluent when writing down their ideas
  • To be able to proof-read a piece of writing and edit this for spelling and punctuation errors, composition effects and effective vocabulary
  • To understand the importance of ‘writing for an audience’ and ‘writing for a purpose’ as a way to help the children compose and organise their ideas ready for writing

Implementation (Writing) 

  • There is an emphasis on writing for pleasure as well as learning the mechanics of writing
  • Writing is taught through small directed teaching groups as part of our PLT thus enabling staff to deliver high quality inclusive teaching which addresses the needs of the individuals within the group
  • Teaching in small directed groups allows opportunity for children to explore writing techniques and conventions through high quality rehearsing and modelling 
  • High quality texts are chosen to motivate and inspire children in seeing the important link between reading and writing
  • English journeys are created to include writing for a purpose and writing for an audience
  • English journeys are inclusive of spelling, grammar and punctuation specific to the features of the genre and the age/stage of the children 
  • Opportunities for writing in the wider curriculum is planned so that children can draw on their skills from their English lessons to help them write for different purposes in a range of foundation subjects

Impact (Writing) 

  • Children’s enjoyment of writing is evident
  • There is a clear progression in skills for a variety of forms of writing from Early Years to Y6
  • Children can speak confidently about their writing 
  • Children's vocabulary choices are good and show that they are being challenged in their use of language for effect
  • Children can explain how their writing impacts the reader 


Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards

Ofsted. Good provider