Governors' Information
Hello from Curdridge Primary School Governing Body!
What does the Governing Body do?
Essentially we are here to ensure Curdridge Primary School is a great, safe place to learn and work. Whilst we don’t get involved in day to day operational decisions, we are responsible for the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction, for holding the school leaders to account for the school’s educational performance and for overseeing the school’s financial performance, ensuring that its money is well spent. We also have various statutory duties such as Safeguarding, ensuring the curriculum is broad and balanced and ensuring compliance with various legislation such as the Equality Act 2010 and Health and Safety regulations. In order to carry out our role, amongst other things Governors visit the school regularly and meet as a board twice a term.
Interested in becoming a Governor?
The most important qualities for being a Governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education. You don’t need teaching experience but it is helpful if Governors can bring skills from other areas of life. Governors are volunteers and terms run for 4 years, although there is usually the option to stand for more than one term. There is a time commitment but it is a very rewarding experience.
We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor, with a further vacancy becoming available at the end of Summer Term 2024. If you are interested, please do get in touch with any of the Governors or contact the School Office to find out more.
Who are we?
There are currently 9 Governors on the Governing Body…
Sally Wood (Headteacher)
Anna Harmer (Staff Governor – Class 1 Teacher)
Philip Hedger (Co-Opted Governor, Chair)
Lisa Childerley (Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair)
Sara Stubbing (Co-opted Governor)
Sarah Baker (Parent Governor)
Adam Holliday (Parent Governor)
Andy Reynolds-Jones (Parent Governor)
Alison Yates (Local Authority Governor)
…and we are supported by our professional clerk, Jackie Finney.
We often attend school events so please do say hello when you see us around!
Governors who served in the last 12 months but who are no longer on the Governing Body:
Sarah Wright – Local Education Authority Governor. Start date July 2019, end date May 2023.
Graham Townsend – Parent Governor. Start date September 2021, end date September 2023.
Mark Windebank – Parent Governor. Start date July 2020, end date January 2024