
Primary School



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Year R

Welcome to Year R

Class 1

Class Teachers:

Mrs Anna Harmer teaches YR on Monday - Thursday.

Mrs Grocott teaches YR on Fridays. 


Learning Support Assistants:

Mrs Leach


PE days:

PE is on a Tuesday and Friday and children will need to wear PE kit into school on these days.



Children change library books with Mrs Leach on a Friday afternoon

Please ensure your child has their library book in their book bag so it can be changed with an adult's help.

What is Early Years like here at CPS?


Early Years Foundation Stage learning is based on learning through play. 

The children get to explore, experience and learn through their own ideas and developing skills where they are not afraid to make mistakes. The environment is safe and accessible. We allow the children to plan their own ideas, and we facilitate this through ensuring the environment is set up and practical to allow the learning to take place. We have a full time Learning Support Assistant and two Year R teachers, both trained in teaching in the Early Years. The EY blends teacher led activities and continuous provision, which allows the diverse areas of learning based on the children's interests. The adults provide the in depth questioning and their knowledge of how to plan 'in the moment' to move the children's learning on.


The Early Years Curriculum, assessment and progress


There are seven areas of learning and development that shape our educational programme in Year R. All areas of learning and development are important and interconnected. Three areas are particularly important for building foundations for igniting children's curiosity an enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving. These are Communication and Language , Personal, social and emotional development and Physical Development.

We also support children through Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. 

There is a level of development that children should be expected to obtain by the end of Year R, known as the Early Learning Goals.


Assessment plays an important part in helping us recognise children's progress, understand their needs, and plan activities and support. We use Tapestry, an online learning journal to provide ongoing assessment which links home and school. 

At the end of Year R an EYFS profile is completed for each child which indicates whether or not children have met the expected levels of development. We share these results with parents, carers and the Year 1 teacher. 


YR Early Learning Goals

YR Early Learning Goals activities to try at home

Twinkl Phonics Level 2 Sounds and Actions

Practise your Level 2 pure sounds and actions with this use demonstration video. Includes all the mnemonics found in Level 2 of Twinkl Phonics

Twinkl Phonics Level 3 Actions and Sounds

Practise your Level 3 pure sounds and actions with this use demonstration video. Includes all the mnemonics found in Level 3 of Twinkl Phonics

All about me learning leaflet


Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards

Ofsted. Good provider