Lunch Menu
At lunchtime, options of a meat dinner or vegetarian dinner are available from the school. Meals cost £3.00 per day.
We ask that dinner money is paid on our online system, School Money:
If this is not possible, we will accept cheques (made out to Curdridge Primary School or HCC) or cash for the week, half-term or term in advance. Dinner money can be given into the office or placed in the post box in the entrance area.
We ask everyone to pay regularly, leaving no more than a week overdue.
Note: Please ensure that any money, cash or cheques, is sent to school in a sealed envelope bearing the child's name and class number. Please also keep dinner money separate from any other money that may be sent in to school.
Free School Meals
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
Other children may be eligible for free school meals. It is in the interest of you, your child and the school if all eligible parents apply. If you need any more information about lunch at school please contact the school office staff, they will be pleased to help you.
Packed Lunches
Facilities also exist for children who bring packed lunches into school. These must be contained in a clearly named lunch box. It is recommended that in hot weather an insulated lunch box is used. Glass bottles and cans of drink are not permitted. Children must bring a water bottle which can be re-filled in school. Please remember we are a 'nut-free' school.
Playtime Snacks
Your child may bring a snack to school for morning playtime. Please send a 'healthy snack' such as fruit or vegetables, as we promote ourselves as a healthy school. N.B. No sweets are allowed in school.
As part of the National Fruit Scheme all infant children receive a fruit/vegetable snack daily.
Note: The school aims to be a "nut free zone" as far as possible, because some pupils suffer from potentially life threatening allergies.
All infants may have a carton of milk. There is a small charge for this unless they are on free school meals or are under 5 years of age.