Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice @ CPS
We value our children having a voice and we use a number of strategies to obtain their views. Our main form of pupil voice takes place most weeks in classes. Children are given the opportunity to discuss issues in school; around the world along with things they would like to change or do differently in school. This helps develop their communication skills, listen to views of others, be part of a debate and express an opinion.
We also carry out the following pupil voice:
- Children take part in discussions about our school with visitors
- Subject pupil voice half termly
- Pupil Voice during learning walks i.e. children talking about learning
Pupil Voice and our LLP (Leadership and Learning Partner)
During a recent meeting with our LLP, children from Y1-Y6 were asked about their experiences and learning during lockdown. They were able to tell us that:
- they felt supported and challenged
- they enjoyed continuing to work with their own class teacher whilst maintaining a degree of interaction with other pupils in their class
- they continued to feel positive about their learning experiences
- their teachers let them know how they were doing and were able to help them when needed
- learning between home and school was 'the same'
- they enjoyed the video lessons as they could pause the teacher!